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Woman dies after tyre explosion

Capt Jenna Wilcox, 27, was on a break with her husband when the accident happened in Dalkeith, Midlothian, on Saturday.

She died at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh on Thursday, five days after she sustained the injuries.

Capt Wilcox was holding the car tyre inside the vehicle, because it would not fit in the boot, when it exploded.

It is thought the couple had changed the tyre on the BMW Z3, after noticing a bulge in it, but that Capt Wilcox was holding it because the boot was full of luggage.


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Woman dies after tyre explosion

Capt Jenna Wilcox, 27, was on a break with her husband when the accident happened in Dalkeith, Midlothian, on Saturday.

She died at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh on Thursday, five days after she sustained the injuries.

Capt Wilcox was holding the car tyre inside the vehicle, because it would not fit in the boot, when it exploded.

It is thought the couple had changed the tyre on the BMW Z3, after noticing a bulge in it, but that Capt Wilcox was holding it because the boot was full of luggage.


Zoals al eerder hier op het forum geponeerd: bij een lekke band óf je bijrijder achter laten en wiel op de bijrijders stoel meenemen óf het wiel achter een boom zetten en later ophalen. Die eerste optie wordt opeens nóg minder interessant.

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