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BMW rijden in Brazilie


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In Brazilie rijden de meeste gepantserde auto's rond.

Lees het relaas van een jongen 19 jaar

BMW gepantserd

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My beast arrived today from the armoring company and here are some pictures...

Because the windows were changed, my HUD now has a light shade behind it as you can see in the photos... The car now has a communication device that allows me to talk to someone outside without opening the window or door and the buttons to operate this sistem are fixed in the driver's seat. It also has a siren in case i get into troube.

The other button located below the dasboard near the brake pedal is a sistem that i can use to lock the windows from going down... its hidden because of valet guys, not that im going to give the car to them, but anyway...

In the pictures you can also see that the tweeters in the front doors are fitted togheter with the overlap ballistic protection.

You can see that the buttons for opening the back windows don't exist anymore, since they dont open anymore... everything else is normal... except for the added weight of 185kg... How much? U$$35.000,00+

I'll post about the straight acceleration, handling and braking changes later... i want to drive it a little longer before i comment on those.

When out of the car you have no protection, you have to be very careful and try to stay always alert. The hole ideia of armored cars in Brasil, (the largerst fleet of bulletproof cars is here) is to avoid getting into trouble on the streets, expecialy at stoplights. Here we have a lot of grand theft auto, and many times people get killed in these thefts.. Since im 19 years old, my dad didnt let me cruise around with my beast and decided to armor it.


In Latin America, there is a particularly nasty new type of crime wave going on called the secuestro express; means express kidnapping. Rich/well off people get jacked, often in their cars, then ransomed off. Their relatives have only 24 hours or so to pay, usually for smaller amounts of money, under 10k. For movie fans rent "Secuestro Express", it is a scary flick that deals with the subject.

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19 jaar en een M5 rijden... mooi bezig zo ! :)

ja ik ben jaloers ;) B)

:) is betaald door pappie (of die gast is drugsdealer...) het is maar waar je jaloers op bent :thumbup:

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